Re: boot problem : snort starts too soon
On Wed, 17 Sep 2003, Timothy Demulder wrote:
> Hi,
> Could it be possible to start snort at a later time in the bootprocess?
> I'm asking this because ppp starts S14 and snort starts S20.
> Point is, pppd call <provider> takes a couple of seconds to negotiate an
> ip with the ISP so snort doesn't have an ip on ppp0 when it gets called
> and fails to start every single time.
> I guess I'm not the only one experiencing this ;)
> greets,
you could also use /etc/ppp/ip-up.d to start snort.
In this way you will be always sure that it will happen after the
interface is up, indipendetly from how much time it takes pppd to
establish the connection.
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