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Re: Ideas about allowing Co-maintainer

Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@hungry.com> writes:
> [Goswin von Brederlow]
>> I propose that when a package has <X> open bug (or RC bugs) for a
>> reasonable long time without activity anyone can just declare themself
>> co-maintainer and do the work.
> An accepted way to help maintainers is to send patches into BTS that
> fixes the reported problem, and tag the bug 'patch'.  This way one can
> provide solutions for the maintainer to consider, and save them lots
> of time.

In most cases, this "accepted way" leads to no change in the package and
is only frustrating for the submitter of the patch and Goswin's proposal
addresses such cases. I like the idea a lot [1] and am sure that this
will improve the overall quality of Debian.


[1]  Mainly because i've sent some patches to the BTS, and only *one*
     maintainer ("only" a NM!) answered my mails (and included most of
     the patches). 
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