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Re: Bug#204928: reportbug: couldn't call from xargs

On Tue, Aug 12, 2003 at 10:51:37AM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> Apparently you haven't had to deal with him before.  He has a 2400bps modem
> or something, so he can't be bothered to dial up to check if there are bug
> reports already, and if he happens to be connected, he can't spare the
> bandwidth.  He just lets the bug reports fly, and leaves it to the
> maintainer to sort it out.  He's said so himself.

Just to confirm, from (apparrently his) website:

You see I just hate having to race thru those click-bang interfaces
while my costly modem minutes are ticking. It's so much simpler to just
dump the bug in the developer's lap, and if he determines it is worthy,
he then takes care of the rest, as I have probably already long ago
moved along from my brief brush with his program. Nope, no hoop jumping
for me.

Just assume I am a robot who cannot be trained to use all the different
bug reporting systems out there.

Am I the only one who thinks BTS shoudn't be a write-only media? 

Riku Voipio  	       |    riku.voipio@iki.fi         |
kirkkonummentie 33     |    +358 40 8476974          --+--
02140 Espoo            |                               |
dark> A bad analogy is like leaky screwdriver          |

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