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Re: Future releases of Debian

Moin Adrian!
Adrian Bunk schrieb am Saturday, den 19. July 2003:

> My point was the other way round:
> Commercial distributions dont't force you to switch to a new release 
> every few months. This is similar to Debian (but they offer you more 
> frequent updates if you want them).

Muahaha. They may give you (affordable) support for the next three
release cycles, and when they release three times in year, how long is
the support period then (compared to Debian), heh?

<DeVries> Wann kommt Debian3.0? Jemand n ungefähres oder genaues Datum parat?
<Alfie> DeVries: Wenn es fertig ist.
<Falky> dwVries wenn es fertig ist
<weasel> DeVries: ziemlich genau dann, wenn es fertig ist.

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