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Re: 469 packages still using dh_undocumented, check if one is yours

On Sat, Jul 05, 2003 at 11:26:44AM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
> Goswin Brederlow wrote:
> > Could the dh_undocumented programm allways fail with an error "Don't
> > use me" as the next step? That way all new uploads will be forced to
> > care.
> No. Breaking 400+ packages so our uses cannot build them from source is
> unacceptable.
What's about dh_undocumented looking like:
if [ $FORCE_UNDOCUMENTED = 1 ]; then
  echo You are still using dh_undocumented which is obsoleted.
  echo Stop it.
  echo You are using obsoleted dh_undocumented in your debian/rules.
  echo Please stop it and prepare a manpage for your package.
  echo If you really want to build this package read (pointer to
  documentation which explains how to set FORCE_UNDOCUMENTED or how to remove this from debian/rules and why using dh_undocumented is bad).
  exit 1

  - it is possible to build package with buildd or any other autobuilder
  - human building package can force it to build too
  - it requires an interaction from developer, but this interaction is not
    time consuming

This is a good compromise between technical and social means to achieve a goal.

"#gaduly to jak wenezuelski serial. Nieważne, ile odcinków opuścisz
zawsze będziesz na czasie"

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