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Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

Andrew Suffield <asuffield@debian.org> writes:

>> Debian really needs a separate policy for works which are not
>> software.
> We could have a policy for non-software, but it should still exclude
> non-free things. What you are trying to say is "Debian really needs to
> include non-free things".

There are borderline cases, such as the GFDL or free works in
non-editable formats (PS, PDF, in some cases even HTML), or licenses
or other documents of perceived legal relevance.

However, I've tried to come up with a policy which is not specific to
IETF documents, but that would allow their distribution, and I failed.
The terms are quite obnoxious, and if it weren't the IETF that is
involved here, hardly anyone would demand that documents under such a
license are to be included in Debian, I guess.

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