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Re: Bug#199642: xpilot: French translation of the debconf templates

On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 08:46:50AM +0200, Michel Grentzinger wrote:
> Please find the attached fr.po file, which is the french translation of
> the debconf templates. This file has been reviewed by the contributors
> of the debian-l10n-french mailing-list.
> Could you put it to the debian/po directory of this package ?

I'm sorry to hear my inclusion xpilot-server.templates in the xpilot 
source package has cost a translator time giving it attention, as my
package does not use it yet.

I added the template, intending to debconfize my package, but never did do 
anything with it.  You'll observe, if you look at the package carefully, 
that nothing references the corresponding xpilot-server.config.  I can't 
guarantee that it will anytime soon, either.

I don't know if this shows up a flaw in the translation process that can be 
fixed easily, or if it's just an unfortunate issue we'll have to live with 
from time to time.

Now I'm left at a loss as to what to do with the file.  I want the 
half-finished work to remain in the package so that someone picking up the 
package and customizing it (or in future, adopting it, should I decide to 
ever give it up) can benefit from it.  But to include the translation is 
going to give the wrong signals to other translators, causing them, too, to 
spend unnecessary time with translations for texts that aren't even in use 
in the package.

So, how do I include "development only" text in debian/foo.templates that 
translators are not to waste their time translating until it actually goes 
into production?  And do we need a standard for this?

 ,-.  nSLUG    http://www.nslug.ns.ca   synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
 \`'  Debian   http://www.debian.org    synrg@debian.org
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