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ITO packages: ntop, apt-show-source

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Hi everybody,

as I've no longer time to properly maintain my packages I'm
searching for a new maintainer for:

Package: ntop
Description: display network usage in top-like format
 ntop is a Network Top program. It displays a summary of network
 usage by machines on your network in a format reminiscent of the
 unix top utility.
 It can also be run in web mode, which allows the display to be
 browsed with a web browser.

- --> Some non-reproduceable bugs. Upstream is very responsive but
    has some *uncommon* opinions about the build process.
    Some knowledge in C and autoconf would be helpful.

Package: apt-show-source
Description: Shows source-package information
 This program parses the APT lists for source packages and the
 dpkg status file and then lists every package with a different
 version number than the one installed.
 It's very useful if your deb-src sources.list entries point to
 unstable and your deb entries point to stable.

- --> An easy perl program suitable for new-maintainers. If no one
    volunteers I'll ask for removal.

The cgi-extratags-perl,dbix-cgi-perl and dbix-easy-perl will be
taken by Stefan Honburg <racke@linuxia.de> who is also upstream

Please contact me BEFORE uploading any package with changed
maintainer field.

- -- 
Wanting to kill yourself after loosing a game of Go is extreme, sure,
but not unheard-of.
Hell, it's practically a sign of progress.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (OpenBSD)


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