Re: socks support in suck
On Fri, Mar 21, 2003 at 04:58:11PM -0800, Blars Blarson wrote:
| Suck currently is linked with socks4. I've had an informal request
| that I drop socks support, since the requester beleives it is
| obsolete. I've never used socks myself, and don't anticipate ever
| doing so.
I used SOCKS before I had a machine at home to do NAT. Since socks
support was very hard to find in applications, I tended to use the
"socksify" shell script that used LD_PRELOAD tricks to fool applications
into using socks whether they want to or not. This also was generally
easier than configuring each individual application.
I'd be inclined to drop socks support from suck, and let anyone who
really needs socks use the socksify wrapper.
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