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Re: magazine packagine

Wouter Verhelst <wouter@grep.be> writes:

>> Me too. I think it makes sense to have separate packages for the last n
>> editions, where n is some reasonable number like 2 or 3 (sometimes we
>> get behind in our magazine reading). But after that, why not just one
>> big package for all the back issues, if they must be packaged?
> Because that would imply a peak in traffic near the beginning of the
> month, when you have to download the new 'lg-backissues' package.

It may be possible to do packages for every quarter. The best option I
heard until now.

- It would include more work for ftpadmins (new override entry for every
  quartal package and removing of old lg-* package names from override
  file with each new quarter (i dont know if they see it as a problem, i
  just dont like that very much :) ).
- A user that wants only one issue from a set that is in a
  quarter-package has to download the size of 4 packages.
- A user that has the latest packages installed needs to download their
  data again at start of next quarter, without changes to
  them. Unneccessary traffic for him and bad if he/she/it pays for it.

> Besides, linuxgazette is officially part of the LDP, created by 'the
> community'. It is far from a 'usual' magazine.
> I hear nobody complain about HOWTO's in the archive.


> </ex-lg-maintainer hat>

</-lg-maintainer hat> :)

> I do agree that reducing the number of lg-* packages could be a good
> idea, though.


BTW: Today the lg-* packages in Debian are the same one can get from
Upstream, ie. they deliver them as single tarballs for every
month. Only lg-all|lg-subscription|lg-latest-two are additions for the
benefit of our Users.

bye Joerg
2.5 million B.C.: OOG the Open Source Caveman develops the axe and
releases it under the GPL. The axe quickly gains popularity as a means
of crushing moderators heads.

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