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Re: mICQ roundup

On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 07:49, Anthony Towns wrote:
> Uh, have you taken a casual look at the source code? It calls a "print"
> function on some strings -- the only way it could exec 'rm -f $HOME'
> is if it's somehow buffer overruning that print function, or something
> similar. The only thing you can't tell from a casual glance at the source
> code is *what* it's printing.

There are lots of ways of obfuscating an exec of rm.  You could put in 
assembly code to call the system call.  You could have it call system() or 
execve() for some valid purpose and then obfuscate what really happens when 
someone you don't like is running it.

What about deliberately leaving a buffer overflow in the code for the benefit 
of later exploits?

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