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Re: [debian-devel] mICQ roundup

>--[Miros/law Baran]--<baran@knm.org.pl>
> 15.02.2003 pisze Rüdiger Kuhlmann
> (debian-list-Z03BQH65YjkN@ruediger-kuhlmann.de):

> Writing/maintaining software is providing a service (even when
> it's free). You need to listen to your customers if you want to
> learn what features they need and thereby improve your product.

Y'know, there are features in mICQ that I don't use at all...

> You seem to have no understanding of what you've done. Once again, as
> clear as I only can write: you've provided disservice for your users
> because you had communication problems with one packager.

You seem to have no understanding of what I did. I didn't provide a
disservice to my users because nothing kept them from using mICQ. It may
have been a tad inconvenient, but that's all to it.

> > That's just fair enough.
> So? A cracker. Inserting a timebomb in software, a timebomb, which
> could only hurt *users* is plainly stupid.

It doesn't hurt users. You seem to have a pretty skewed understanding of
what a cracher is. Actually, you seem just pissed that I refused to give you
one of my cookies.

> You still do not understand.

It's more like you don't understand.

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