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Re: ITU bug#1

On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 12:27:22AM +0100, Samuele Giovanni Tonon wrote:
> <#include hello.h>
> it's
> Intent To Understand ( :-) ).
> i have read all the stuff about mplayer threads.
> Now there's something not clear to me.
> mplayer is not legal due to libavcodec, ffmpeg library inclusion ?

As far as I'm concerned, patents are a red herring.  The real issue is
whether distributing mplayer binaries will infringe some author's
copyright, or violate a license.  From what I've heard, there seems to
have been some corner-cutting on the upstream's part in the past where
legality is concerned, which has led to a certain reticence to accept
mplayer into the archive without some assurance that it's been
independently audited for outstanding licensing troubles.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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