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RFC/RFS for proposed Balsa 2 NMU

Hi everyone,
	Jules Bean <jules@debian>, the current maintainer of Balsa has
given me permission for me to NMU and repackage Balsa 2.0.x to replace
his Balsa 1.2 (1.4 was never uploaded) packages in Debian.
	However, since I am still a new maintainer [1], I am
technically barred [2] (and prevented) from carrying out this NMU
myself. Since Balsa has now been rewritten for GNOME 2, debian/* also
needed a major overhaul.

[1] http://nm.debian.org/nmstatus.php?email=netsnipe%40debianplanet.org
[2] http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/ch-pkgs.en.html#s-nmu-who

	So if you have some spare time, please review my repackaging
of Balsa and if it's good enough, sponsor it as well.

Thanks in advanced,
Andrew "Netsnipe" Lau

URL: deb http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~alau/debian/ ./

Description: An E-mail client for GNOME 2
 Balsa is highly configurable and robust mail client for the GNOME 2
 desktop. It supports both POP3 and IMAP servers as well as the local
 mailbox formats: mbox, maildir, mh. Balsa also supports SMTP and/or
 the use of a local MTA, i.e. Sendmail
 Some of Balsa's other features include:
   * Allowing nested mailboxes
   * Printing
   * Spell Checking (via pspell)
   * Multi-threaded mail retrieval (via ESMTP)
   * MIME support (view images inline, save parts)
   * Address Book that integrates with GnomeCard
   * Multiple character sets for composing and reading messages
 For more information, please visit <http://balsa.gnome.org>
 Note: Kerberos (GSSAPI) and LDAP support has been enabled in this
 package, but due to licensing issues, OpenSSL encryption support has
 been disabled.

 671af9a9f13d43ce7d679db0c0cf9722 753 net optional balsa_2.0.3-0.1.dsc
 ead8366e1bca18fd4d00e1708863c0bf 3471089 net optional balsa_2.0.3.orig.tar.gz
 4f16d489959a3b820ddb6d2cd6536a60 17594 net optional balsa_2.0.3-0.1.diff.gz
 93c4bac59fd4d9a985e272e45f3481eb 1575994 net optional balsa_2.0.3-0.1_i386.deb
* Andrew "Netsnipe" Lau              Computer Science & Student Rep, UNSW *
*   # apt-get into it                 Debian GNU/Linux Package Maintainer *
*     <netsnipe(+)debianplanet.org\0>      <alau(+)cse.unsw.edu.au\0>     *
* GnuPG 1024D/2E8B68BD 0B77 73D0 4F3B F286 63F1  9F4A 9B24 C07D 2E8B 68BD *

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