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Re: Are we losing users to Gentoo?

On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 06:56:57PM +0100, Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo wrote:
> > It must said that comparing Gentoo with Debian in this
> > regard is unfair as they are not like for like, being
> > source against binary package.  That said some things
> > (X 4.2 springs to mind) take far too long to make it
> > to testing.
>   Could you run X 4.2 in, say, s390 that date? FYI, X is supported in 11
>   archs in Debian, a lot more than upstream supports.

So, debian is coming the netbsd of Linuxes.. Sure a novel goal to
support rare hardware, but why does ot have to come at the expense
of commodity hardware owners?

even worse, that date you could have a working X (4.1) in s390
but not in a x86 laptop.. or a radeon desktop (not sure, but if I
remeber correct, 8500 support came in 4.2).

>   If you want to compile things because that makes fun to you, you can do.
>   Some people in Debian does that from time to time and fills FTBFS bugs
>   on packages. Perhaps you could help them.

I would believe that most packages build fine from source. However, 
trying to push yuor own compiler optimisations can be rather hard.. 

DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS is still just a recommondation in the options,
and doesn't support aggressive optimisations..

Riku Voipio  	       |    riku.voipio@iki.fi         |
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Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.  |

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