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Re: Discussion - non-free software removal

On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 11:56:59PM +0000, Andrew M. A. Cater wrote:
> [Semi-serious interim solution]
> Rename main to DFSG-free (or Debian-free, for short).  Move contrib
> and non-free together into a new section (non-DFSG-free or non-Debian
> for short).

How would that help rectify the implication that non-free is "part of"


> As an organisation, we need to stress the Social Contract and the DFSG
> as factors which help keep us honest. As DD's, we choose to submit
> ourselves to the Social Contract and to show that we care about Free
> Software: in this, we are no better or worse than other humans but
> we voluntarily choose to impose restrictions on our work in an
> effort to build a better distribution for "our users".  
> [The closest analogy I can find is religious: monks/nuns and brothers
> would all admit they are ordinary men and women - they choose
> voluntarily to submit themselves to a higher standard of conduct and
> stricter rules than they would expect of others, but doing that doesn't
> make them intrinsically "better people".  The other analogy is of
> the Castalian society in the Glass Bead Game by Hesse]

While I'm nervous about what people will do with a religious analogy, I
do myself in approximate agreement with the thesis that we, Debian
Developers, hold ourselves to standards of conduct that aren't terribly
relevant to profit-centered, commercial distributors of software.

> Non-free software is not intrinsically evil of itself, nor are those
> who use it or develop for it:

I have not seen anyone in this discussion make such an assertion.

> I can contend that Free Software is always preferable but I shouldn't
> force it on others against their will but rather lead by example,
> IMHO.  

And that's exactly what John's GR is trying to get us to do better: lead
by example.  Right now our example is:


How does one deduce from that URL that "non-free" is not "part of

You can get it from debian.org out of a directory called Debian; that
implies inclusion to my eye!  It is only my large amount of contextual
knowledge, including my familiar with the Social Contract, that corrects
this impression.

> This argument could go on and on for a long time :(  Please,
> moderation in tone will serve the Debian image well as will a
> coherently argued rationale - rather than flaming the living shit
> out of each other :)

I believe that the proponents of the GR have demonstrated moderation.
So too have the majority of the GR's detractors.

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