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Re: linux for blinds

> The idea to make a system for blinds is great and I can only enforce
> you to do it.
> But you are going the wrong way!
Could you explain this a bit more?
We have a working system, with speech synthesis and support any type of
device for blinds, but:
There are no packages for mbrola
(I applied to be a debian developper but there is no one in my area)

And the problem of installation remain important for newbies, you'll
always need to set which type of braille displays you're using, on which
port it is and so on; under dos or windows (autodetection was tried by
the suse blinux project but it is said not to be reliable) before
running any installation (otherwise software braille displays would not
show anything...)

That's why I'm thinking about modifying the d-i, in order to remain in
the debian idea to provide one solution for every case.
Don't hesitate to ask if it is not clear enough
You can also join us on irc.openprojects.net #brlspeak


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