The automake saga continues. We now have 4 automake packages in unstable: automake, automake1.5, automake1.6 and automake1.7. They all work or don't work on various's and various versions of autoconf. I was hoping we could get automake1.5 out of archive, because it is buggy and out of date, but there are still quite a few packages that depend on it. Anyway, I would like to rename the automake package to automake1.4. I want to do this for various reasons: Make the package names more consistent; Avoid user confusion (I have automake installed, why do I need automake1.7?); And, hopefully, promote the use of later versions of automake. The automake1.4 package will still provide the virtual package automake, and will be the only package to do so. All the automake packages will provide the virtual package automaken (in the same spirit as emacsen) if you need to depend on any version of automake. The only problem with this rename is that packages with a version Build-Depend on automake will stop building from source (Of course I hope people realize build-depending on automake is a bad idea). Luckily there are only 22 packages with this problem: abiword allegro4 avifile bison gmanedit gpgp kdeadmin kdebase kdebindings kdegraphics kdelibs kdemultimedia kdenetwork kdepim kdeutils marbles mysql-dfsg progsreiserfs ratpoison sjog xkbsel xwrits This is a heads up to the maintainers of those source packages that the will have to fix things when this change goes through. I will file the bugs if necessary. I hope no one has any serious problems with this. -- Eric Dorland <> ICQ: #61138586, Jabber: 1024D/16D970C6 097C 4861 9934 27A0 8E1C 2B0A 61E9 8ECF 16D9 70C6 -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GCS d- s++: a-- C+++ UL+++ P++ L++ E++ W++ N+ o K- w+ O? M++ V-- PS+ PE Y+ PGP++ t++ 5++ X+ R tv++ b+++ DI+ D+ G e h! r- y+ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
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