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Mass bugfiling potential: 'rules' with space

Some number of debian/rules files invoke make as:

#! /usr/bin/make -f 
                   ^--- trailing space
rather than

#! /usr/bin/make -f

While this does not break things on Linux, it *does* cause breakage on
NetBSD, due to differences in the script handlers. So far, the number
of packages isn't terribly high - but it's a couple, in under a hundred
packages, which (if it holds - no good way to tell) is potentially a few
hundred packages, before all is said and done.

Is there anything which will break if the space is *not* there? Or, for
that matter, is there anything formally stating that it is, or isn't,
allowed to be there? While it is theoretically possible to adjust the
script handling under NetBSD, I really don't relish the idea of trying to
do it and make sure that it won't break; however, if the concensus is that
this really needs to be fixed at the OS level, I'll see what I can figure

(For what it's worth, the failure mode is 'make: : No such file or
directory'; I think NetBSD is seeing the extra space, and adding an empty
string to the argument list, since that is what is after the space).
Joel Baker                           System Administrator - lightbearer.com
lucifer@lightbearer.com              http://users.lightbearer.com/lucifer/

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