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Re: locale problem with coreutils

> > That Ã* looks very much like the unicode representation of Ü.
> When you write unicode, do you mean an UTF-8 encoded version of ISO
> 10646?  It is not the same as unicode.

Well, i did.
But it isn't.
It's broken... I can see it here, too.
"rm /" gives me (as user)
  rm: Verzeichnis (schreibgeschà 1/4 tzt) »/« entfernen?

Where "Ã 1/4 " is some "A<space>1<slash>4<space>"...
UTF-8 representations of latin-1 non-ascii characters are usually just
two characters; so there was an additional conversion at work;
converting the "1/4" single-character to a string...

A short look at the /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/coreutils.mo
file gives me the impression that the german locales files are broken
for coreutils - some characters are UTF-8, some are latin-1.

The file contains "schreibgeschÃŒtz" and "durchzuführen"
where "ü" and "ÃŒ" are the latin-1 and UTF-8 representations of the same

Erich Schubert
        erich@(mucl.de|debian.org)        --        GPG Key ID: 4B3A135C
        A polar bear is a rectangular bear after a coordinate transform.
       Gute Freunde sind wie Sterne in der Nacht. Auch wenn sie manchmal
            hinter den Wolken sind, weißt Du, sie sind für dich da.
            "Wissen ist Macht" - wenn man das richtige daraus macht.

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