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Re: Package Tracking System, part II (or Bits from QAG)

Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> Figures for the PTS
> -------------------
> I thought I'd give some figures for PTS (the mail subcription part) :
> - 611 source packages have at least one subscribers (less than 10% of the total
>   number of sources packages)
> - 760 subscriptions by 257 different email address
> - that makes about 3 subscriptions/address but ...
> - the biggest user of the PTS has 54 subscriptions
> Those figures are not bad but there's much room for improvement.

It's worth keeping in mind that some of us just subscribe to all of
debian at once via debian-bugs-dist.

> Now that you have a web form to subscribe to it, I'm sure you can
> convince people (upstream maintainer

Some of my upstreams have already found it themselves and subscribed.
Pretty cool.

see shy jo

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