Erich Schubert colorò:
On there are a few Debian themes, some nice backgrounds etc. For example this one could go for a futuristic aqua-like look (GnuBubbles for GTK2 for example?) And already has a Debian GDM2 login screen which (when one replace the ridiculous apples ;) could be a nice default for gdm2 (when it gets packaged, i can't await it ;)
Ther is another opportunity: in the package theme-converters there are gtkthemetodeb, sawmillthemetodeb and wmakerthemetodeb. Somebody thatknow perl and the common packaging of those theme can update and enhance these programs, handling theme for gtk2 or kde and, maybe, renaming sawmillthemetodeb... :)
If we have this working we can contact the mantainer of,,, etc, asking if they are disposed to set up an archive for apt-get (maybe helping with technical support and disk space :) ...
We can be the only distribuition in which it is possible to download and install a theme with a single command (or click, if you prefer :)
-- Buongiorno. Complimenti per l'ottima scelta.