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Re: Accepted po-debconf 0.2.2 (all source)

On Mon, 16 Sep 2002 10:07:18 +0200
barbier@linuxfr.org (Denis Barbier) wrote:

> > I think we need to support multiple encodings for a given language,
> > given the mess it seems Japanese is in.
> I am confused, does this mean that e.g. for  French translations we
> will have to maintain 3 versions (ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15 and UTF-8)?

Why do you need to maintain 3 versions when the two other should be 
auto-generatable from 1 of them?

The thing is, if the data is provided in charset A, and the current display
charset is B, and A!=B, iconv needs to happen, and that doesn't 
necessarily mean we need to jump to UTF-8, and trash every data that existed.

Making the templates file utf-8 itself does not help solve the main problem, much.


dancer@debian.org  http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer

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