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Bad "TEST" alias - had wrong hostname in bash alias - Sorry

Sorry about that folks.

I've a couple aliases for things like emails and such. Recently
redid the bash alias and accidently switched hostnames between 2 of my
aliases, one of which is testemail alias. Meant to send it to echo@swipnet.se. 

Since I accidently spammed 2000 people, I'll apologize to 2000 people.


David D.W. Downey <david-downey@codecastle.com>
Upstream - libpam-pgsql.codecastle.com
Debian - Woody: 0.5.2-3 Sid: 0.5.2-5
State - bugs.debian.org/libpam-pgsql
"The price of Free Software is Eternal Literacy."

"I'd rather die on my feet, than live on my knees."
		Deloris Clayborn

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