Re: RFC: A regression test framework for Debian packages?
Jérôme> One year ago, Martin Michlmayr made a speach at the Debian
Jérôme> Conference 1 about Quality Assurance within Debian and the
Jérôme> progress that have been made so far. He mentioned that we
Jérôme> lack regression tests for packages, but as far as I know, no
Jérôme> solution has been found.
>> kronstadt:~# dpkg --status debian-test
>> Package: debian-test
>> Status: install ok installed
>> Priority: extra
>> Section: devel
>> Installed-Size: 34
>> Maintainer: Philip Hands <>
>> Version: 0.0.5
>> Depends: perl5 | perl
>> Description: Scripts used to run tests against an installed Debian system
>> This package contains tests and the framework to run them, and test provided
>> by other packages to test themselves.
>> .
>> The intent is that this should build into a test suite that provides a
>> reasonable level of confidence that a Debian system is working correctly.
Wasn't this at least a start? Shouldn't we build on it instead of
starting from scratch?
Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
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