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Re: should automake1.6 "provide" automake?

"Steve M. Robbins" <steven.robbins@videotron.ca> immo vero scripsit:

> Providing "automake" is not a problem with the "official buildd"
> software and any bugs so induced (which would have been induced with
> automake1.5 last October) can be fixed with a change to
> debian/control.  Thus Junichi's worry, while valid, strikes me
> personally as minor.

Build-Depends is not only for the official-buildd.
And that official buildd has not been even packaged for a long time.

The main problem is that since the last the this debate took place,
there still are many packages which build-depend on automake.

The likely path to go is to remove the Build-Dependency of automake from
all packages, or specify automake versioned dependency.
And there has been a lot of discussion on how to do that.
Using AM_MAINTAINER_MODE seems to be the cleanest solution.

Otherwise we will never be able to drop automake 1.4 from
the distribution


dancer@debian.org : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
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