Re: Emailing: msg00036
On Sat, 22 Jun 2002 19:31, Mary E. Byrd wrote:
> Could you please remove this page and all others related to it from your
> website. I did not know I was spamming I didn't even know what spamming
> was until this individual unkindly let me know about it. All I was
> doing was my job and I thought the internet would be a great tool. I
> apologized and promise I won't do it again since I now know it offends
> some individuals.
> Best Regards,
> Dale R. Joaquin
> Southwest Century Communications, Inc.
Dale you liar! I almost missed the connection between the above message and
the message subject "Spam & Eggs" that you sent to me privately where you
boast about "getting more business than you are capable of handling" because
of the spam. I get so much trash from cretins like yourself that it's
sometimes difficult to sort it all out. Unfortunately I haven't got the
entire message, but at least I've got the headers which show that they both
come from the same service.
If you had made a mistake and not realised that you were spamming, then you
wouldn't be sending gloating messages about "Spam & Eggs".
Give up, you've been caught.
>From Thu Jun 20 23:03:52 2002
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