Re: SE Linux play machine
On Thu, 20 Jun 2002 06:24, Derek Gladding wrote:
> On Tuesday 18 June 2002 03:18 am, Russell Coker wrote:
> > I have a SE Linux machine on the net, to login:
> > ssh -p 222
> >
> > Password is "1".
> >
> > This is setup similar to the LinuxTag machine. You can't do any
> > damage as root...
> If you can't do any damage as root, are you still really root ?
Sure, you can use the programs chroot, su, etc in the regular root fashion.
Also you can use statically linked programs to do such things (avoiding libc)
and they still work.
The next thing I'm going to do is setup virtual servers where root users can
create their own users in their own tree.
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