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I'm so sorry for killing the space on the server and your bandwidth. But I'm just
wondering why not we only allow subscriber send only to prevent spam?

Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote:

Michael Stone <mstone@debian.org> writes:

On Tue, Jun 11, 2002 at 05:21:11PM -0500, Alex Lau wrote:
Should we send this to FBI?
Well I'll tell you what you shouldn't do--that's quote a spam and send
the whole damn thing back to a mailing list.

Incidentally, I wrote a letter to the Department of Justice about the
various permutations on the Nigerian scam that keep hitting my mail

They replied with two letters: one, a short time after my letter,
saying that it's essentially not worthy of prosecution, but that I
should report it to my local FBI office if I wanted.

And then, a few months later, a much more serious letter saying that
these scams are the subject of ongoing investigation, that my
particular evidence would probably not be necessary, and that I should
rest assured that the scams are being prosecuted.

Clearly something happened in between the two. :)


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