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Re: woody installation problem on old laptop

On Tue, 2002-06-11 at 16:32, Tomas Pospisek's MailLists wrote:
> [old laptop, pcmcia ne2000 card, kernel dies]
> have you tried with both kernel-pcmcia-* and pcmcia-* packages? pcmcia-*
> worked better for me. Kernel-pcmcia-* just froze.

How do I try one and then the other?  I just used the current boot
floppies for woody.  As I indicated, I can avoid (or at least forestall)
the kernel problem if I lie to the install program about my ethernet
card's being a PCMCIA device.  Is there more than one flavor of PCMCIA
package that I could choose with dselect after the minimal system is
installed?  Perhaps I should just use the "=" in dselect to hold back
everything that has the string "pcmcia" in its package name when I run
dselect for the first time.  Remember, the initial reboot worked OK.  It
was only after running dselect that subsequent rebooting gave a kernel

There is perhaps one relevant subtlety that I didn't mention earlier,
though.  When I booted from the hard drive for the first time after
installing MBR+lilo, the networking stuff spewed a few error messages
and failed, probably because the network script ran before the PCMCIA
script.  I was able to kick start the network by just doing
"/etc/init.d/networking restart".

> ps: Cc-ing to you since you're not subscribed I guess...

No need.  I subscribe.

Thomas E. Vaughan   (303) 939-6386   Ball Aerospace, Boulder
   Ball-internal home page: <http://hypostasis/~tevaugha>

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