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Re: Galeon and Mozilla in woody have security issues

(Why did you have to post this to debian-devel-announce? debian-security
or maybe just a private mail to the package maintainers would better)

Previously Erich Schubert wrote:
> Mozilla and Galeon in woody both suffer from some ugly security flaw.
> (Displays wrong SSL certification information!)

Yes, we know, it's on the list of things to fix and the maintainer
are working on it.

For what it's worth, my current list of packages in woody that have
a security flaw that needs to be fixed is: mozilla, galeon, heimdal,
krb4, bugzilla, fetchmail, fetchmail-ssl, slashem, nethack, ktald,
sharutils and analog.

I'll post a short document that explains how maintainer should deal
with security problems tomorrow.


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