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Re: hda: interrupt lost

On Mon, Jun 10, 2002 at 04:57:09PM +0800, darke@aijv.com.au wrote:
> I have decided to first send my question to the debian-devel lists rather
> than attempt to subscribe to a general linux list in order to find a 
> solution to this problem.
> Reasonably suddenly my 'firewall' box has developed a problem 
> reporting "hda: interrupt lost" quite regularily to the console
> and during some bootups. Also, the boot sequence reports that
> hda is 'Busy' (I would cut and paste the report, but as the
> next sequence explains, grep is not viable)
> Commands that access the disk more than slightly seem to also
> lock up now (bzip, grep, cat, et al).
> Is there any way to solve this problem using any the available
> tools in debian packages? I am assuming something in _hdparm_
> or _hwtools_ ?

Have you recently installed a new kernel with ACPI supported activated
? or any other Power Management stuff ?

Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT     "Hay tampones y tampones..." (Eva Serrano)
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