Re: Granual release proposal
#include <hallo.h>
Aaron Isotton wrote on Thu May 23, 2002 um 11:18:22PM:
> Suppose Debian is divided into 10 sections. Suppose there are two
> versions (stable and testing) of each section which at least should
> work reasonably. This means 2^10 possible combinations. While sections
For this reason, we would need a new distribution between testing and
stable, in which we would need the new release-candidate section and
look for conflicts/problems for some weeks. Remember - all packages
should be backwards comnpatible, so if something breaks, it is a general
quality problem and should be fixed anyhow.
> The traditional approach may not be the most marketable, but for the
> quality it's best, IMHO. I just think that the testing/stable cycle
No. Many bugs are fixed silently by upstream, and do not appear in the
BTS. Too long testing/freeze periods force _fixed_ parts of distribution
to stay away from the Stable tree, means: are not used by people that
need those fixes.
> should be accelerated a bit (more releases with less changes, in other
> words).
Keep dreaming. We need a real unstable tree to test new stuff. You
cannot cook on small flame for long time.
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