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Re: where do NEW packages go?

>>"Branden" == Branden Robinson <branden@debian.org> writes:

 Branden> ...if I'm permitted to.  I can think of at least one
 Branden> prominent Debian Developer who howls with outrage every time
 Branden> I dare bring the point up for discussion.  This prominent
 Branden> developer also has a fairly close association with the
 Branden> Debian Policy Manual, so that tool might be used as a weapon
 Branden> against any efforts of mine in that endeavor.

	This is insulting. This is uncalled for. I am taking strong
 offense at the implication that my close association with policy
 shall be used as a tool to mould policy to my wishes. Your
 demagoguery has descended to to a deeper nadir with this baseless

 "It's very hard for anything to make it out of Hollywood these days
 without a lame-ass wimpout ending tacked on at the whining request of
 test audiences selected from the most puerile of the Nielsen
 families, who are, as we all know, chosen on the basis of the number
 of cousin-cousin marriages in their family over the last ten
 generations." Nix Thompson (nix@sgi.com)
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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