Re: Can a Package be installed that only effects 1 user account?
On 20-May-02, 14:18 (CDT), Colin Watson <> wrote:
> On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 11:27:22AM -0700, John Richardson wrote:
> > Can a Package be installed that only effects 1 user account?
> Just unpack it (using 'dpkg -x' if you like) in that user's home
> directory, and adjust that user's $PATH to use it.
While that may work for packages with isolated executables, I doubt
that egcs will; doesn't gcc et. al. build in paths to various internal
executables and libraries?
OTOH, you should be able to install egcs w/o affecting other gcc
installs, and it shouldn't affect any other users unless they
explicitely call it. One thing to check is that the /usr/bin/cc link
doesn't get changed to egcs; if it does, you'll have to reset it using
Note the liberal use of weasel terms like "doubt" and "should"...
Steve Greenland
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