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Does the Hurd need /hurd ?

On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 03:30:15AM +0200, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
> On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 01:52:45AM +0100, Andrew Suffield wrote:
> > >           started indirectly by other programs for their own purpose.
> >             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

> > >        be in any user's PATH, and are started indirectly by settrans or

> > >        the parent filesystem on the explicit request of the user.
> >          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

> > Kindly explain the difference between the indicated phrases.

> settrans -a doesn't invoke any translator for its own purpose.  It does only
> start whatever the user is passing it on the shell.

> settrans -a sets up a special environment for translators to run it (it sets
> the bootstrap port).  Then it just calls execv on the rest of the command
> line.

> Think of something like "/bin/sh -c "BOOTSTRAP=15 /hurd/ftpfs ..."
> if you want.  In this case, /bin/sh is not starting ftpfs for its own
> purpose, but only starting what the user told it to start.

I welcome you to take a look at the package 'freeswan', which contains
an ipsec implementation for Linux.  This package provides precisely one
command in the system path -- /usr/sbin/ipsec -- whose primary purpose
is to invoke a wide range of subcommands that exist as separate binaries.
E.g., 'ipsec eroute', 'ipsec auto', u.s.w.

Freeswan has gotten by just fine without the creation of a new toplevel
directory for these commands; the supplemental binaries all exist in
/usr/lib/ipsec/, which could be changed to /usr/libexec/ipsec/ and still
fulfill the same purpose.  By my reading, these tools meet all the
criteria that you insist should set hurd translators apart in the
filesystem: they are invoked at the explicit request of the user, they
*can* be run directly but aren't necessarily useful if you do, and they
have a corresponding utility that's used to set up the proper
environment for them.[1]

Would you argue that these tools also merit their own toplevel

It seems to me that using /hurd is a convenience (short pathname) rather
than a technical necessity; and while I'm sure you find it more
aesthetically pleasing to have these translators in their own toplevel
directory, I think aj's suggestion of a default $TRANSPATH more than
adequately meets the practical demands for it.  Barring any /technical/
need for a new directory, the FHS already defines a place for these
translators: /usr/lib/<subdir>/.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

[1] To be completely honest, the environment setup that has to be done
in the ipsec case is minimal; the real motive for placing these tools in
/usr/lib/ipsec/ is in order to provide modularity without causing
namespace pollution -- though that in itself seems awfully similar to
the Hurd's goals, IMHO.

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