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Re: Filing Hurd-porting patches in the BTS or upstream? (was: where do...)

> Good idea. Main rules prefered by me:
>  - send the bug to the BTS
>  - set "upstream" tag and s end Cc' to the upstream
>  - severity: normal/minor/whishlist, depending on the problem w/o changes
>  - if you provide a _tested_ patch, send the patch tag, otherwise DO NOT
> Gruss/Regards,
> Eduard.
> -- 
> Eingedeutschte Fehlermeldungen sind doch etwas 
> schoenes: "Kein Weltraum links auf dem Geraet" 


  These are good suggestions but I don't like them exactly as they are.
1) send bug to the BTS with a patch.

2) If the patch sucks, and the debian maintainer knows why it sucks, then
the debian maintainer can help the submitter improve the patch, if not the
debian maintainer can send the patch upstream.  I like this because the debian
maintainers should have a better understanding of their package than a porter,
and should know the upstream developers than a porter.  Sometimes problems come
up while trying to get patches upstream, such as a dead upstream, or an 
unco-operative upstream.  In these cases the debian maintainer should apply the
patch and live happily until upstream supports GNU/Hurd.

3) Bugs should be 'serious', GNU/Hurd is a Debian platform but is not released.
These are not normal, minor, or wishlist bugs as defined on the bugs page:
http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Developer#severities .

   i) minor: although these fixes may be trivial in some cases, the bug severly
affects the usability of the package on GNU/Hurd.
   ii) wishlist: GNU/Hurd support is not a feature for debian.  However, some 
bugs are difficult to fix, but they are not caused by design decisions, they
are bugs due to coding style.
   iii) normal: No real explaination can be given.
   iv) important: the package is unusable on GNU/Hurd, so the bug does have a
major usability impact on GNU/Hurd users, they do exist.  However, usually the
bug does not affect GNU/Linux users.
   v) serious or critical: usually porting fixes don't fix or add security 
holes, and GNU/Hurd isn't in testing yet, so these shouldn't be RC bugs.

James Morrison
   University of Waterloo
   Computer Science - Digital Hardware
   2A co-op

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