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RE: Woody / Stable

| > The problem with "It will be released when it's ready" is that it can
| > be interpreted as meaning "It'll be released whenever we get around to
| > finishing it."  It sends a completely different message than "It'll be
| > released when x, y, and z are done and working."
| I agree with that, what makes the people more nervous is the fact that
| there isn't a clear target milestone, nobody (outside) knows what is
| debian wainting for to be ready. IMO, debian could publish a Target
| Milestone Page with the state of them.

<soap box>

I may be out of line, but I think a point needs to be made.  The first
article in the Debian Weekly News for May 15th has Woody in Freeze.  From
what I have gathered from lurking on the -devel list is that it's security
infrastructure that's holding it up.  Let's think logically for just a

1.  Woody is frozen.
2.  It is unlikely that any new packages are going in, assumption based upon
point 1.
3.  Security is not in place to handle Woody.
4.  A security issue would more than likely be a release critical bug.
5.  Security bugs are, in my experience, very quickly remedied.
6.  Contrary to point 2, a security/release critical bug fixed package would
make it's way into Woody quickly.
6.  We can ignore point 2 by making use of point 7.

My conclusion is that Woody is effectively released already.  A large number
of people have been running on Woody for quite some time.  It's as stable as
it's going to get.  Just do an apt-get dist upgrade and get it over with

</soap box>



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