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Re: Editor Priorities

On 08-May-02, 09:39 (CDT), m@moshez.org wrote: 
> Both levee and sted are not even in Steven Greenland's "s3rk1t" list
> of priorities

I know (well, at least think) you're joking, but just in case somebody
takes this seriously, it's not my list, and it's certainly not "s3rk1t"
(shouldn't that be "s3kr1t"?). If it's anybody's, I think the person
who started the original conversation was Dale Scheetz, but I could be
completely wrong about that. It's certainly out of date...

I don't have any objection to the general concept, but given the number
of editors, I think you'll end up with a lot of editors at the same
priority level, unless you start giving boosts to specific types of
editors ("name contains 'vi': +20"), which means you might as well go
back to to hardcoded list.


Steve Greenland

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