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Re: new draft release announcement

On Tuesday 30 Apr 2002 1:25 pm, Wouter Verhelst wrote:

> If you want to say whether a sentence is grammatically correct, you need
> to know what that sentence means. It's somewhat possible to use some
> tricks to find some minor grammatical errors, but one can never create a
> grammar checker that finds all grammatical errors, and especially the
> serious errors are hard to find by a computer program of any sort.

> Unless it _understands_ the phrase, which would probably require
> AI. Grammar checkers have never made sense to me...

It is not necesary to have understanding to grammar check. Obviously it is 
impossible to find every mistake, just as it is impossible to determine if a 
grammatical construct is correct, it is a subjective matter. A basic grammar 
checker is probably not that difficult to write, definitely time consuming 
however - although I have only worked on this using Prolog rather than C.

But you are right, grammar checkers do not make a whole lot of sense, apart 
from maybe as guides for non-native speakers.

These tools might also be useful to someone in need of grammar help:


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