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Re: Why are foomatic and cupsomatic-ppd still scheduled for removal?

On Sun, 28 Apr 2002, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:

>  - cupsomatic-ppd (- to 0.20010420-4)
>    - Maintainer: Manfred Wassmann
>    - 98 days old (needed 10 days)
>    - Trying to remove package, not update it
>    - Not considered
>    - Depends: cupsomatic-ppd foomatic
>  - foomatic (- to 0.20020408-4)
>    - Maintainer: Manfred Wassmann
>    - 2 days old (needed 2 days)
>    - Trying to remove package, not update it
>    - Not considered
> I guess the foomatic package was removed because of bug #142226,
> #142227 and #140165, but these bugs are now resolved.  Why are the
> packages still scheduled for removal?

AFAIK the 2 days have to be *over* before foomatic can again enter the

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