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Re: GNU FDL (was Re: Bug#141561: gnu-standards: Non-free software in main)

On Mon, 2002-04-08 at 00:43, David Starner wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 08, 2002 at 07:27:40AM +0200, Aurelien Jarno wrote:
> > DFSG stand for "Debian Free Software Guidelines". 
> Yes, and since Debian is 100% Free Software, that applies to everything
> in Debian.

Documentation isn't software.  Neither are conffiles, icons, etc.  So,
if we're to be true to our creed, here's what we have to do:

rm -rf /etc
rm -rf /usr/share/doc /usr/share/man /usr/share/info
rm -rf /var
rm -rf /dev

...and so on.  There, now Debian is 100% Free Software. :-)

Once you start stretching the meaning of words like this, you've gone
way off track; see Bill Gates's antitrust testimony or Clinton's "I did
not have sexual relations with that woman" speech for details.  

Debian has a set of values, described by the DFSG.  It's clear (at least
to me) that the description is imperfect.  We need to change it, or
append an additional statement (the DFDG, or whatever).  In the
meantime, we hold to the spirit, not the letter, of the DFSG, and
acknowledge that things are not quite as clear as they should be for

I fear the alternatives to this path.

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