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Dependencies on libpgsql2.1

update_output.txt says:

trying: postgresql 
skipped: postgresql (134+2)
    got: 46+0: a-46
    * alpha: courier-authpostgresql, dbf2pg, ddt-server, gda-postgres,
      gphotocoll, gtksql, guile-pg, libapache-mod-auth-pgsql, libch,
      libch-dev, libdbd-pg-perl, libgql0-driver-pg,
      libgtrans-postgresql-6-5-3, libnss-pgsql1, libpam-pgsql,
      mnogosearch-pgsql, netsaint-plugins-extra, netsaint-plugins-pgsql,
      perdition-postgresql, php3-cgi-pgsql, php3-pgsql, php4-pgsql,
      pike7-pg, proftpd-pgsql, python-pgsql, python-popy,
      python-psycopg, python1.5-popy, python1.5-psycopg,
      python2.1-pgsql, python2.1-popy, python2.1-psycopg,
      python2.2-pgsql, python2.2-popy, python2.2-psycopg, qttudo,
      trafstats, www-pgsql

I'm currently in the process of filing bugs on those packages in
unstable that still depend on libpgsql2.1 rather than libpgsql2, or
upgrading bugs to grave where they'd already been filed. Since the
versions in woody all appear to be fine, I'm making sure all these bugs
get tagged 'sid' so that they don't affect the release.

I hope this will help the new postgresql to get into testing a little
more quickly.

Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]

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