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Re: inappropriate racist and other offensive material

* Robert van der Meulen <rvdm@wiretrip.org> [020313 16:20]:
> Quoting Lazarus Long (lazarus@overdue.ddts.net):
> > Again,  there is no excuse for racism in Debian.  Other packages have
> > elided the inappropriate material in the past, as they should.  An IRC
> > client has no business being racist.  Debian is a distribution that
> > specifically caters to children; note the debian-junior project.  As it
> > stands, your package is inappropriate to be on the box my daughter uses.
> Then don't install it on the box your daughter uses. Debian is about
> freedom, not censorship. Shielding from 'sensitive' material is a decision

Agreed, Debian isn't about censorship.  Some people feel that exposing
'children' to these and providing context, history, ethics, and other
values from their parents is a better approach.

Eliminating racism is promoting ignorance and taboos.  Helping people
identify, and know what is or isn't 'humor' and what is or isn't right
in 'context' is a bit more important, IMO.  Hopefully these parents have
passed down values and openness to their children so they identify this
sort of stuff and ask questions about it.  Societies built across
ignorance will just repeat the past.

If Debian censors this, they might be censoring the way some people wish
to parent their children.

Scott Dier <dieman@ringworld.org> http://www.ringworld.org/

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