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Re: Debian joning OASIS?

Chad asked:
> Can we get a detailed budget and fee break-down from this organization
> to verify their logic for charging non-profits the $1000?

On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 01:13:02PM -0600, Steve Greenland wrote:
> And out come the trolls and nitpickers from woodwork.

Also present in the woodwork seem to be people ready to fight over
anything.  Please read the sentance without bias or conspiracy theories
in one's mind.  I asked a legitimate question that any contributor to a
non-profit organization should be able to ask.  Such information is
important for making informed decisions about the transactions one
makes.  Is that not a reasonable request, Steve?

IANAA, but I do like to make informed, and hopefully wise decisions.  I
would assume that Debian as an organization, would also like to know
these details, especially when the scope of the solicitation involves
the Organization.

IANAL, therefore I may be entirely wrong in this assumption.  I assume
that if OASIS is an NPO, their budget must be publically available.
Under that assumption, the request is not outside the realm of
reasonable and respectful inquery.

Perhaps, I should trumpet the intent of my query in all its explicit
detail for those who would like to jump on the defensive at every twig
that snaps in the forest.

<disclaimer type="intro" instrument="trumpet">Bleat bleat bleat</disclaimer>
<disclaimer type="content" medium="text">
    Pardon to thy animals of thy wood forest.  Chad, of thy nobelest of
    intent, doth send query...

Honestly, I find $1000 membership fee for an organization is enough to
raise an eyebrow or two.  I make no pre-judgements about these things,
only inquiries.  If it qualifies as "nit picking", then let me pick
nits.  If it qualifies as "trolling", then I hope I catch a nice 5lb
walleye instead of the pirch that bite on anything.  Though, if a pirch
were to help me land that 20lb northern, then I'm all for it.  Nibble

Chad Walstrom <chewie@wookimus.net>                 | a.k.a. ^chewie
http://www.wookimus.net/                            | s.k.a. gunnarr
Get my public key, ICQ#, etc. $(mailx -s 'get info' chewie@wookimus.net)

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