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Re: Debconf 2?

On Tue, 2002-02-26 at 02:25, Russell Coker wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Feb 2002 03:32, Joe Drew wrote:
> > FYI, it's actually York University, and I'll have more to say very soon.
> > (Hint: Anyone who wants to make a presentation at Debconf 2 Canada
> > better get their ideas together.)
> Will it be scheduled to allow people to attend OLS in the same visit to 
> Canada?  If so I can offer a presentation, if not then I can't.

No. The exact date isn't decided yet, but it will very likely be
mid-July; OLS is in June. Also, Toronto is ~5 hours' drive outside of

Joe Drew <hoserhead@woot.net> <drew@debian.org>

Please encrypt email sent to me.

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