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Re: orphaned packages

On Tue, Feb 26, 2002 at 06:10:00PM -0800, Carl B. Constantine wrote:
> I'm starting the process of becoming a Debian Devrloper/Maintainer.
> Many of the orphaned packages, while being orphaned due to workload, are
> no longer even being developed ir maintained upstream. for example, the
> various gnome packages such as gnome-debug, gnome-audio (which has a
> completly new upstream version), and many others.

> The same appears to be true for ITA packages and others.

But packages that are ITA'ed are already spoken for, in which case it's 
the problem of the developer doing the adopting.

> As a prospective new developer, I'm curios what package would be really
> goods to strt with. Many of the ITA and ITP packages are still not
> packaged by the NMU from what I can tell.  bugsx doesn't appear to even
> have an upstream developer...maybe it should be removed???

> anyway, I am interested in gnome and php4, but don't want to go down a
> dead end path.

http://bugs.debian.org/src:php4 is certain to have a lot of bugs on it 
for a long time to come.  Petr did an excellent job of maintaining it 
during his tenure, but it's unreasonable to think that a package that 
has probably 50 upstream maintainers can be handled by a single
developer with more effectiveness than forwarding most of the bugs 
upstream.  Take a look at the list at bugs.d.o, find a module that
you're interested in that looks like it's been neglected, start sorting 
through the bug reports and submitting patches to the BTS.  Lather, 
rinse, repeat.  I won't object to having help getting these bugs fixed, 
and I don't imagine Adam will either.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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