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Re: general maintainer questions

On 26 Feb 2002, David H. Askew wrote:

> 2.  I realize that jEdit is a program that is designed to run on a JVM
> that is not considered FREE by normal Debian standards... but would
> Debian provide the infastructure neccessary to maintain and distribute
> the package seing as how jEdit relies on non-free, non-packaged
> software?

If there were a JDK packaged that jedit could Depend: on, then all would be
good.  It could go in contrib.

> 3.  What is the status of officially including a Java 2 sdk in the
> distribution?

This seems to suggest that jedit is a Java 2 app.  There's no versioning on
the java-virtual-machine metapackage, so I don't know if (eg) Kaffe supports
Java 2.

#include <disclaimer.h>
Matthew Palmer

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