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Re: No PHP4 on arm keeps packages out of testing.

On Tue, Feb 26, 2002 at 03:28:11AM +0100, Erich Schubert wrote:
> Still, php4-dependant packages are being held in unstable and cannot
> enter testing (unless they are arch: all).

There's nothing special about php4 in the way packages are handled for
testing. The rule is "for each package on each architecture, can it be
installed? if not, none of the packages go in. if they all can, they
all go in."

For libming, when the testing scripts look at
php4-ming_0.2a.cvs20020110-1_arm.deb, they notice that it's completely
useless and unusable and will just confuse anyone who selects it in
dselect on arm.

The solution is to ensure such packages aren't built. You can either fix
arm or php4 (or both) so that they work together and the package isn't
useless (and keep doing this on any other architectures where php4 might
break), or you can stop your package from building on such architectures
and declare them unsupported (most packages do this automatically by
having the things the need listed in Build-Depends:).

I've hacked britney to ignore arch:all packages in the situation for
the moment because there's just too many of them to fix at this point,
for reference. That's not going to work as a precedent for you, though.

> My package hasn't had a single bug report for 45 days. still it hasn't yet
> entered testing.

I could file a grave bug "Package is unusable on arm", if that would make
you happier?


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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