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Re: debian-devel-digest Digest V102 #266


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>debian-devel-digest Digest				Volume 102 : Issue 266

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>Today's Topics:
>  adding new users for web stuff        [ Mark Eichin <eichin@thok.org> ]
>  Re: OT: Any developer in New Hampshi  [ Mark Eichin <eichin@thok.org> ]
>  Re: [2002-02-22] Release Status Upda  [ Samuli Suonpaa <suonpaa@iki.fi> ]
>  Bug#135004: marked as done (general:  [ owner@bugs.debian.org (Debian Bug T ]
>  Re: [2002-02-22] Release Status Upda  [ "Ed Boraas" <ed@boraas.ca> ]
>  Re: [2002-02-22] Release Status Upda  [ Ralf Treinen <treinen@debian.org> ]
>  Re: Bug#134774: slapd: fails to inst  [ Joshua Haberman <joshua@haberman.co ]
>  Package Browsing                      [ Erich Schubert <erich@debian.org> ]
>  Re: Bug#134658: ITP: lsb -- Linux St  [ teg@redhat.com (Trond Eivind =?iso- ]
>  Re: xconq (was: [2002-02-22] Release  [ Andreas Rottmann <a.rottmann@gmx.at ]
>  Bug#135088: ITP: gksu -- Gtk+ fronte  [ Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.o ]
>  Re: [2002-02-22] Release Status Upda  [ Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.o ]
>  Architectures to be released          [ Bob Hilliard <bob@bobhilliard.net> ]
>  Re: Architectures to be released      [ Martin Michlmayr <tbm@cyrius.com> ]
>  Bug#135092: ITP: gksu -- a su and su  [ Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.o ]
>  Re: Package Browsing                  [ Michael Banck <mbanck@gmx.net> ]


>Date: 21 Feb 2002 13:59:19 -0500
>From: Mark Eichin <eichin@thok.org>
>To: debian-devel@lists.debian.org
>Subject: adding new users for web stuff
>Message-ID: <[🔎] xe1k7t6hda0.fsf_-_@swat.thok.org>

>I'm packaging twiki (mostly done, in fact.)  It includes an initial
>chunk of data which is supposed to be writable to the twiki cgi (the
>whole point of twiki is to let users edit a community pageset.)

>Currently I drop the initial data into a tar.gz file, and with a
>positive answer to a debconf question [and no prexisting files],
>unpack it in the location twiki expects.  However, to get this right,
>I need to
>	1) create a user at install time
>	2) arrange for the cgi to run as that user (suexec?)

>Is there a good example of a package that already does this right?
>User creation in preinst (if it doesn't already exist - a quick check
>found at least 3 different ways that packages do this, but isn't just
>running adduser good enough?), and I couldn't find any examples of
>suexec configury...

>I can cook something up, but this is sufficiently security related
>that I'd be much happier starting with something that has survived for
>a bit (and fixing *both* of them if I have to :-)

>			_Mark_ <eichin@thok.org>
>			The Herd of Kittens
>			Debian Package Maintainer


>Date: 21 Feb 2002 14:06:15 -0500
>From: Mark Eichin <eichin@thok.org>
>To: debian-devel@lists.debian.org
>Subject: Re: OT: Any developer in New Hampshire, USA?
>Message-ID: <[🔎] xe1heoahcyg.fsf@swat.thok.org>

>and depending on where in NH you care about, developers in MA may be
>"in reach"; southern NH is a "long commute" from Boston.


>Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 21:07:27 +0200
>From: Samuli Suonpaa <suonpaa@iki.fi>
>To: debian-devel@lists.debian.org
>Subject: Re: [2002-02-22] Release Status Update
>Message-ID: <[🔎] 87vgcqfyc0.fsf@puck.erasmus.jurri.net>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

>Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> wrote in debian-devel-announce:
>> As promised, a bunch of packages that aren't in a fit state to be released
>> (ie, have release-critical bugs) are being removed from woody. The first
>> phase includes the following packages:
>>     anarchism           

>At least this one should be very easy wo fix, if anyone's interested.
>The bug #133359 is - as explained in the bug report - due to bad
>permissions on just a couple of files.

>I'm not a developer, so I can not fix this but if someone would like
>to NMU, I can provide the patch needed.

>> logcheck

>The bug seems to be, that logcheck saves information in /tmp/var that
>it expects to find there the next time it's run. Shouldn't be hard to

>Anyone interested in NMU'ing this, if I provide the patch?



>Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 13:18:08 -0600
>From: owner@bugs.debian.org (Debian Bug Tracking System)
>To: Adam Heath <doogie@debian.org>
>Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org
>Subject: Bug#135004: marked as done (general: cyclic symlink under /etc/X11 prevents backups)
>Message-ID: <[🔎] handler.135004.D135004.101431885718108.ackdone@bugs.debian.org>

>Your message dated Thu, 21 Feb 2002 13:15:48 -0600 (CST)
>with message-id <Pine.LNX.4.33.0202211314540.4192-100000@gradall.private.brainfood.com>
>and subject line Bug#135004: general: cyclic symlink under /etc/X11 prevents  backups
>has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.

>This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
>If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
>Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

>(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I am
>talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration
>somewhere.  Please contact me immediately.)

>Debian bug tracking system administrator
>(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

>Received: (at submit) by bugs.debian.org; 21 Feb 2002 09:18:06 +0000
>>From ai1@ipaccess.com Thu Feb 21 03:18:06 2002
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>From: Anton Ivanov <ai1@ipaccess.com>
>Subject: general: cyclic symlink under /etc/X11 prevents backups
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>Package: general
>Version: 20020221
>Severity: wishlist

>/etc/X11/app-defaults/app-defaults is symlinked to /etc/X11/app-defaults
>producing a syclic symlink.  

>This prevents backups with veritas backup-exec. Possibly other backup
>software and software that tries to traverse dirs can be affected as
>well (can't test).

>-- System Information
>Debian Release: 3.0
>Kernel Version: Linux magrat 2.4.9 #1 SMP Wed Nov 14 09:58:31 UTC 2001 i686 unknown

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